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To Shy for my own Good

Hey everyone!

How are you today?

I am having a fantastic day today...just got back from buying a toaster for our new place. ( exciting right? )

I spent my entire life filled with so much to say but was way to shy to say anything...i mean anything! I couldn't speak to people and most knew it by looking at me. I wrote my feelings down though and turned out I was really good at poetry. I didn't like anyone reading it though so most of the time I would hide it or get rid of it ( 30 poetry books later) ... wish I hadn't.

I was too shy for anyone to know me, have you ever known anyone that shy?

I'm still shy but not that shy nowadays. I still have panic attacks over crowds and prefer to hide indoors as much as possible.

I enjoy poetry, do you?

Do you have a favourite poet or do you just enjoy random poetry? I'm into really deep poetry. Would you enjoy reading some poetry if I posted it? Some would be my own but some would be from my favourite poets.

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